The world is a better place because of design; it has the power to change and impact any aspect of life, it makes us better. Taking this as my motto I look to incorporate memories from my richest sensorial experiences into my designs. I am results-oriented, focused, organized and deliver on time. I love collaboration, strive to support my team members to grow, and care deeply about building community and integrating different groups with varied backgrounds. As such, I continuously seek feedback in order to improve. I believe that humans are constantly pushed to grow by the experiences they encounter and that they should seek any chance to develop into a better, stronger version of their past self. As I like to say: Design will change us, it will become us.
We presented our published paper in Toronto, where we discussed the research methodologies used to uncover pain points at the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia.
We participated in the #Ideathon22 organized by the Wharton School - where we spent 24 hrs tackling a challenge for MCM WORLDWIDE.
At the ICA Philadelphia museum experiencing the smells and exhibition by wonderful artist Sissel Tolaas
Worked in collaboration with Parth Kashikar to design and build a memento gift for IPD speakers.
We kicked-off our thesis project with a crepe team lunch. Getting to know each other and sharing our passion for design.